What Is Meaning Of Alamogordo
First atomic bomb exploded in the desert about 50 miles 80 km NW of here July 16 1945. A small city in southern New Mexico known for its proximity to the site of the first atomic explosion. Tularosa Nm Three Rivers New Mexico Places Ive Been Alamogordo means fat cottonwood Gordo fat. What is meaning of alamogordo . Alamogordo is a Spanish wordIn Spanish Alamo means CottonWood tree and Gordo means fat. This entry should open the thread for replies. Alamogordo may possibly have the highest. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations examples and word-by-word explanations. When was Tularosa founded. What does alamogordo mean. Charles influenced the design of the community which included large wide thoroughfares and tree-lined irrigation canals. What does Alamogordo mean in Spanish. A city of south-central New Mexico northeast of Las Cruces on the western edge of the Sacramento Mountains. See all 2 definitions of alamogordo. Alamo definition i...